Thank you for your interest in the SmartBus App. Here we inform you about the collection, processing and use of your personal data in the context of the App and the use of its Service. The Pilot Application is an implementation of the research project "Distributed Intelligence and Technology for Traffic and Mobility Management - DIT4TraM".

You can ask us:

Send us an e-mail to:

We will reply within 30 days of receiving your request.

If you believe that your personal data protection has been violated, you can file a complaint with the national data protection authority(

Sign in to the app.

Tap on the three lines icon on the top right corner of the screen to navigate to the “My account” page.

Tap on the “Delete Account” button on the bottom of the screen.

Finally, confirm your account deletion.

If you cannot access the app, send a deletion account request at the following email address: